  • The Main Window

The Main Window

The Main Window
The main window is shown when PlayIt VoiceTrack starts.


1. Menu
The menu is used to perform common actions for PlayIt VoiceTrack.
New Project...: Start a new project from scratch.
Open Project...: Open an existing project. PlayIt VoiceTrack projects have the extension *.pivt.
Start Remote Session...: Start a remote voice tracking session. See Remote Voice Tracking.
Save Project: Save the current project for opening later.
Save Project As...: Save the current project under a different file.
Edit Project...: Edit information about the current project.
Generate Playlist...: Generate a playlist so you don't have to create one manually
Mixdown Audio...: Mixdown your project to an audio file.
Export Playlist Text File: Export the current project playlist to a text file. This can then be used for reporting.
Settings...: Change the settings associated with PlayIt VoiceTrack.
Exit: Close PlayIt VoiceTrack.

Project options

2. Project options
These are always shown so you can quickly access these options.
New Project...: Start a new project from scratch
Open Project...: Open an existing project. PlayIt VoiceTrack projects have the extension *.pivt.
Save Project: Save the current project for opening later.
Start Remote Session...: Start a remote voice tracking session. See Remote Voice Tracking.

Project information

3. Project information
This section shows information about your project. Here you can see the name of your project and the target duration. The actual duration of the tracks in the project is also calculated, along with how over or under the actual duration is compared to the target duration. Click the Edit Project... button to edit this information.

Demo notice

4. Demo notice
If you have not purchased the PlayIt Software Voice Tracking module required for PlayIt VoiceTrack, this notice will be shown. To purchase the module, click the link. If you have purchased the module and this notice is still shown, click View Licence Information to update or refresh your licence.

Multi Track View

5. Multi Track View
The multi track view shows waveforms of the tracks and how they are layered in your project. To edit the segue or transition between the tracks, double click on the track you wish to modify. Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out of the view. When zoomed in, you can use the mouse to drag the zoom bar to pan through the time in the project.
The gray line indicates the current position marker in the project.

Playback controls

6. Playback controls
Play button: start playback from the current playback position
Pause button: pause playback at the current playback position
Stop button: stop playback and reset to the previously selected position marker
Jump to start: move the position marker to the start of the project
Move to previous track: move the position marker to the previous track from the current position
Move to next track: move the position marker to the next track from the current position
Jump to end: move the position marker to the end of the project
Current playback position: indicates how long has elapsed in the project

Zoom controls

7. Zoom controls
As an alternative to using the mouse wheel to zoom the multi track view, you can use the zoom buttons to zoom in and out.


8. Playlist
The playlist shows all the tracks that have been added to the project. From left to right, the columns are:
Marker colour: A colour indication for the track. By default, tracks are shown in green, and voice tracks in black. This colour can be customised by adding tracks to a track group and configuring the track group with a colour.
Play time: The time into the project when the track will start.
Icon: Indicates whether the track is music or a voice track. This icon can be customised by adding tracks to a track group and configuring the track group with an icon.
Track title: The name of the track
Track duration: The length of the track in minutes:seconds.
[Record button]: This button is shown only for voice tracks. Click this button to launch the segue editor to get ready for recording.
Play button: This button is used to play the track. The current progress is shown in a highlighting circle around the play button.
Edit button: Click this button to launch the segue editor to edit to segue between the previous and next track.
Remove button: Click this button to remove the track from the playlist
Drag and drop tracks from the file system, track list, or a voice track to insert them into the playlist.
Hovering over the left margin will reveal a handle to allow you to reorder the playlist.
Alternatively just drag anywhere on the track in the playlist to order the playlist
Moving the mouse between tracks in the playlist will allow you to insert a voice track
On voice tracks that have yet to be recorded, you can set a placeholder duration by clicking the duration in [square brackets].

Mixdown Audio button

9. Mixdown Audio button
When you have creating your show project mix it down to an audio file

Generate Playlist

10. Generate Playlist
Instead of manually dragging and dropping tracks onto the playlist you can use the Generate Playlist feature to create a playlist for you from a template.

Voice Track button

11. Voice Track button
Use this button to insert a voice track at the end of the playlist. You can also drag and drop the button onto the playlist to insert a voice track anywhere in the playlist.

Track Group selector

12. Track Group selector
Select a track group from the list to filter the track list to tracks in the track group.

Track search

13. Track search
Use the search box to filter the track list by artist and title.

Track list

14. Track list
The track list shows the tracks that have been added to PlayIt VoiceTrack. You can manage the tracks from the Manage Tracks window. You can also select the data source to allow you to use the tracks also added to PlayIt Live. You can drag tracks from the track list to the playlist to insert them into the project.