
    Connect to Remote Management Server Window

    Connect to Remote Management Server Window

    Server URL

    1. Server URL
    The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to connect to. This is the base web address of the PlayIt Manager web application page. For more information, see the Connect PlayIt Live page on PlayIt Manager. Alternatively, use the Browse... link button to try and find any nearby PlayIt Manager servers.

    Sync Key

    2. Sync Key
    The secret key required to synchronise with the server. Click the Get Sync Key link to navigate to the Sync Key section on the server web interface. This key is required when connecting to servers running PlayIt Live 2.08 and PlayIt Manager 1.12 onwards.

    Connect button

    3. Connect button
    Connect to the PlayIt Manager server with the provided URL.

    Disconnect button

    4. Disconnect button
    Disconnect from the currently connected PlayIt Manager server.

    Server information

    5. Server information
    Displays helpful information indicate the state of the server connection. It will indicate when server changes are being processed by PlayIt Live.

    Close button

    6. Close button
    Closes the window.