
Track Play Count Analysis

Track Play Count Analysis
Track Play Count Analysis can be used to determine the number of plays tracks have had during a date/time range. This can be useful to ensure you have the desired balance of tracks or if you are producing an air play chart show.

Date range selector

1. Date range selector
Select a start and end date to analyse the number of plays between.

Analyse button

2. Analyse button
Click the Analyse button to start the analysis of previous logs to determine the number of plays for each track.


3. Results
Once the analysis is complete, the results will be populated. The track with be displayed along with the track group it is in and the number of plays it has had during the time range. It is possible to sort by Track, Track Groups or Plays.

Export to CSV button

4. Export to CSV button
Use the Export button to save the list to CSV (Comma Separated Values) format which can be viewed in Excel or Google Sheets for further analysis.