

Tracks represent audio files that can be imported into PlayIt VoiceTrack. With each track, additional information is stored to assist the user. This information includes:
Type: The type of the track which can be used for track group filtering, e.g. Song or Station ID. Type can be selected when creating a playlist template. By default this is set to 'Inferred' which means the type is determined from data in the tags, artist, title and duration. See Inferred Type rules below.
Artist: The performer of the track, typically a singer or band.
Title: The name of the track.
Out Cue: The style at which the track ends, for example, fade out; or sustain.
Album: The album the track appears on.
Genre: The category that identifies the type of music.
Year: The year the track was released.
Tags: A tag is a keyword or term that helps to describe the track. Tags can be used in track group filters.
Comments: A free-text field allowing you to enter any descriptive text about a track. This can also be useful for describing where and when the track charted.
Sweeper?: Whether the track is a sweeper. A sweeper is a track that can be played over the start of the intro of another song. It is typical dry (no background music) so it does not clash with the track it is playing over.
Adjust Tempo: Makes the track faster or slower by up to 10%. The pitch of the track is preserved.
Gain: Makes the track louder or quieter. The value can be set automatically using the Loudness Analysis feature.
Cue In: The position in the track where a player should start playing. This is typically where the silence ends at the start of the track and the audible audio begins.
Intro: The position in the track where the vocals begin. This can be used by the on-air presenter / DJ to 'hit the vocals'.
Cue Out: The position in the track where it is considered to be finished. If a track is fading out, this should be shortly before the end of the fade.
Inferred Type rules


The following rules are used to determine the track type when 'Inferred' is selected:
If Tags contains one of the track types, that track type is inferred.
Otherwise, if the Artist or Title equals one of the track types, that track type is inferred.
Otherwise, if the Duration is less than 30 seconds, Station ID is inferred.
Otherwise, Song is inferred.