
Internet Broadcast

The Internet Broadcast feature in PlayIt Live allows you to stream audio from your system to an internet streaming server including Icecast and Shoutcast.

Broadcast source

1. Broadcast source
The Broadcast Source section displays the current audio source being used for the internet broadcast. It includes a visual audio level meter that shows the output levels in real-time. The source can be changed by clicking the "Change Source..." button, which opens a window to select an alternative audio input for the broadcast.
Changing a source while broadcasting will cause the stream to disconnect and reconnect.


2. Streams
The Streams section lists all the configured broadcast streams. Each stream displays its name, status, and details such as the elapsed streaming time and the total data sent. You can manage streams using the buttons provided:
Add Stream... to create a new broadcast stream.
Edit Stream... to modify an existing stream's configuration.
Delete Stream... to remove a selected stream.
Changing a stream while broadcasting will cause the stream to disconnect and reconnect.
Streams can be started or stopped individually by right-clicking the entry in the list.

Auto start streams

3. Auto start streams
The Auto Start Streams checkbox allows you to enable or disable the automatic starting of all configured streams when the PlayIt Live is launched. When enabled, the system will begin broadcasting immediately upon startup for all enabled streams.

Show status control

4. Show status control
The Show Status Control checkbox toggles the visibility of the status on the main PlayIt Live interface.

Start/Stop All Streams

5. Start/Stop All Streams
The Start All Streams/Stop All Streams button start or stops all enabled streams. Streams can be started/stopped individually by right-clicking the stream in the stream list.