
Edit Now Playing Target

Edit Now Playing Target
The Edit Now Playing Target window allows you to configure individual targets for sending "Now Playing" information. Targets can include text files, web requests, TCP/IP streams, or Internet Broadcast connections.

Target type

1. Target type
Select the type of target where the "Now Playing" data will be sent.
Text File: Writes the information to a local text file.
HTTP Web Request: Sends the information as an HTTP POST or GET request to a URL.
TCP/IP: Transmits the information to a specified host and port.
Internet Broadcast: Sends data to connected Internet Broadcast streams.

Target settings

The settings vary based on the selected target type:
Text File:
2. Target settings
File Path: Specify the location of the text file (e.g., C:\NowPlaying\nowplaying.txt).
Template: Define the format using placeholders (e.g., {{text}}). (See Now Playing Placeholders)
HTTP Web Request:
Method: Choose between GET or POST.
URL: Enter the endpoint where the request will be sent.
POST Body: Define the content for POST requests, using placeholders. (See Now Playing Placeholders)
Username and Password: Provide credentials if the endpoint requires authentication.
Host or IP Address: Specify the destination host or IP.
Port: Enter the port number for the connection.
Template: Define the data to send using placeholders (e.g., {{text}}).  (See Now Playing Placeholders)
New Line Handling: Choose how new lines are added (CR LF, LF).
Text Encoding: Select the encoding format (e.g., Unicode (UTF-8)).
Internet Broadcast:
Template: Define the data format sent to connected streams. (See Now Playing Placeholders)

Override defaults

3. Override defaults
Allows you to override the default settings for this specific target:
Track Template: Define a format for this target for eligible tracks.
Fallback Template: Define a format used for ineligible tracks (use ^IGNORE^ to prevent sending).
Delay: Set a custom delay in seconds before sending data.


4. OK
Saves the target configuration and returns to the main Now Playing window.


5. Cancel
Discards any changes and closes the window without saving.