
Now Playing Placeholders

Use the Track Template if a track is playing or the Fallback Template if no track or an ignored track is playing.
The artist of the track
The title of the track
The type of the track, e.g. Song
The full path to the audio file
same as {{path}}
The intro point in seconds
The full duration in seconds
The out cue of the track
The segue in seconds (the number of seconds from the end where the cue out point is set)
The cue in point in seconds
The cue out point in seconds
The genre of the track
The year of the track
The active duration in seconds (cue out minus cue in)
The date the track was added to the database
The tags of the track, comma separated
The comments of the track
The ISRC of the track
Whether the track is marked as a sweeper (True/False)
Whether the track is marked as "no fade" (True/False)
Whether the track is marked as "disabled" (True/False)
The Valid From date of the track (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
The Expires date of the track (format: YYYY-MM-DD)
The Track ID of the track
The internal GUID of the track
The track groups the track belongs to, comma-separated
The start time of the track in UTC (format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ)
The start time of the track in local time (format:YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss)
HTML encoded version of these placeholders can be used by prefix the placeholder with html- such as {{html-artist}} or {{html-title}}