

Clocks are hour-long templates used to define how an hour of playout content should sound. When a clock is scheduled, the playout log will generate items to schedule based on the clock item. The clock can have a number of clock item types:
Track: The playout log scheduler will always insert the selected track in this position in the playout log.
Track Group: The playout log scheduler will randomly choose a track from the selected track group to insert in this position in the playout log. When scheduling the playout log, any playout policies will be taken into account.
Fixed Time Marker: The playout log scheduler will insert a fixed time marker in this position in the playout log.
Break Note: The playout log scheduler will insert a break note to include in this position in the playout log.
Voice Track: The playout log scheduler will insert a voice track placeholder where the user can record a voice track from the main interface.
Remote URL: The playout log scheduler will insert a remote URL item in this position in the playout log.
Aux Input: The playout log scheduler will insert an aux input item, in this position in the playout log. An aux input item will play a live feed from an input on your sound card.
Advert Block: The playout log scheduler will insert an advert block item, in this position in the playout log. An advert block represents a block of adverts to be played together. The advert tracks that are actually played are determined by the corresponding advert block 'start time' for the scheduled hour in the advert log.
Scheduled Event Action: The playout log scheduler will insert a scheduled event action item in this position in the playout log. A scheduled event action item will triggered scheduled event action inline within the playout log at the specific position. For more information see Scheduled Events
Hook Sequence: The playout log scheduler will insert a hook sequence playout log item in this position in the playout log. A hook sequence will play only the hooks of tracks back to back within a short clip. This allows you to promote songs that will be playing within the next hour or just songs from a specific track group.