  • Settings Window

Settings Window

Settings Window

Recording device

1. Recording device
Select the audio device you wish to record.

Recording location

2. Recording location
Enter the folder you wish to place recording audio files. Use the Browse... to find the folder. You should ensure that the currently logged in user has access to write to this location.

Filename format

3. Filename format
Enter the format for the filename. This is the template that will be used to generate the filename for the recording. Use the Edit... button to show a helper window to help you build the filename format. Hover over each of the dynamic value buttons, e.g. {year}, to find out what will be displayed. An example is displayed below the text box to show what will be generated.
It is possible to add a slash \ to put recordings in folders. For example, {year}{month}{day}\{hour}{min}{sec}_{name} would place recordings in a new folder for each day.

Convert audio

4. Convert audio
By default audio will be recorded in WAV format.
Recording audio can be converted to another format. In its simplest configuration, you can configure MP3 in various qualities, higher qualities sound better but take up more disk space. Click the Advanced > button if you wish to use your own encoder and parameters.

Delete recordings

5. Delete recordings
You can configure recordings to be deleted after a set number of days, or when the disk space drops below a given percentage.

Bleed time

6. Bleed time
You can add a specified number of minutes to the start and end of schedule recordings to ensure there is no breakup between old recordings stopping and new recordings starting.


7. Startup
Tick this box to automatically start PlayIt Recorder when you log into Windows.

OK button

8. OK button
Click the OK button to save your settings.

Cancel button

9. Cancel button
Click the Cancel button to discard your changes.