
Edit Schedule Item Window

Edit Schedule Item Window
The Edit Schedule Item window is shown when editing a schedule item via the schedule grid, or adding a new schedule item via the Add New button from the Schedule window.

Scheduled Item

1. Scheduled Item
The scheduled programme to be recorded. Click the link to select a different programme. The Select Programme Window will be shown.

Start time

2. Start time
The start time of the recording schedule item.

Finish time

3. Finish time
The finish time of the recording schedule item.

Repeat check box

4. Repeat check box
Whether this schedule item should be repeated.

Repeat period

5. Repeat period
How regularly this schedule item should repeat. You can select between Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly.

Repeat every

6. Repeat every
How frequently this schedule item should repeat. You can select between every 1-14 days/months/weeks/years depending on the repeat period selected.

Repeat on

7. Repeat on
If the Weekly repeat period is selected, you can choose which days the schedule item should also repeat on. For example, you may have a drive time show which repeats weekly Monday to Friday between 4pm and 7pm.

Repeat at

8. Repeat at
If the Daily repeat period is selected, you can choose which hours the schedule item should also repeat on. For example, if you want to split recordings into hour long blocks, every hour, you can selected the Daily All hours option.

Repeat until

9. Repeat until
Repeat the schedule until a particular date and time. The selected time is inclusive, so if a future recording schedule item starts at this time it will be included.

OK button

10. OK button
Click the OK button to save changes to the schedule item.

Cancel button

11. Cancel button
Click the Cancel button to discard changes to the schedule item.