
Advanced Scheduling

Advanced Scheduling

Advanced Scheduling Licence Status

1. Advanced Scheduling Licence Status
This shows the current status of the Advanced Scheduling module in your PlayIt Live licence. Advanced scheduling is a set of premium features of PlayIt Live and requires a valid licence with the paid-for Advanced Scheduling module to enable full functionality. Without a valid Advanced Scheduling module all advanced scheduling functionality will be disabled. To use advanced scheduling in PlayIt Live, purchase the Advanced Scheduling module and refresh your PlayIt Live licence.

Fitting To Time settings

2. Fitting To Time settings
When scheduling up to the end of an hour or a fixed time marker, PlayIt Live can attempt to fit the scheduled items as close as possible to the target time. For each period between the end of an hour or a fixed time marker, PlayIt Live will spend up to <seconds per fit> seconds to find a selection of playout log items within <target threshold> seconds of the target time by generating up to <number of attempts> sets of playout log items. Decreasing Target Threshold or increasing Number of Attempts or Seconds Per Fit will increase the time it takes to schedule playout log items.
By default, Target Threshold is set to 30 seconds, Number of Attempts to 25 and Seconds Per Fit to 2 seconds. This means that PlayIt Live will generate up to 25 combinations of playout log items and pick the first (or best) one that fits within the target threshold. The Advanced Scheduling module is required to change these parameters.
These settings refer to Priority Streams. For more information see Priority Streams.

Priority stream audio device

3. Priority stream audio device
The audio device (sound card) used to play out audio from a priority stream.

Priority stream active behaviour

4. Priority stream active behaviour
The behaviour when a priority stream becomes active. You can either fade the currently playing track immediately. This will get the remote stream on-air immediately at the expense of cutting off the current track. Or, PlayIt Live can wait for the current track to finish playing. This will provide a more pleasant listening experience for the listener, but the remote stream will need to wait for their audio to get back on-air.

Priority stream inactive behaviour

5. Priority stream inactive behaviour
The behaviour when a priority stream ends and there are no other priority streams available to play. Playout will either return to its original playing state. If it was playing before the priority stream went live it will resume playing - otherwise playout will not resume. Alternatively, you can switch Automation ON which will ensure that playout will always resume regardless of its previous playing state.

Priority stream silence detection settings

6. Priority stream silence detection settings
If the volume level of a priority stream falls below the specified level for a specified period of time the stream will be considered inactive. This helps to prevent dead air if the remote stream falls silent.

Priority stream direct stream port

7. Priority stream direct stream port
PlayIt Live can accept direct stream connections via a port which remote users can stream to. Remote users can connect using any Icecast-compatible encoder such as the Internet Broadcast plugin, BUTT, or Rocket Broadcaster. To set up a user to connect, create a user under Manage > Users. The following details can be used by the remote user to connect:
Server Type: Icecast
Server Address: <your external IP address> (see https://whatismyipaddress.com/)
Server Port: <the one specified here in settings> (remember to tick the checkbox to allow connections)
Username: <PlayIt Live user specific under Manage Users>
Password: <PlayIt Live user password specific under Manage Users>
Mount: /
Metadata titles streamed from the remote user will be interpreted by PlayIt Live and propagated through to the Internet Broadcast or Now Playing plugins.
You will need to configure your firewall settings to allow connections on the specified port to your computer (Start Menu > search Windows Defender Firewall)
You may also need to configure port forwarding for your network router to allow connections through your network to your computer.
Other Advanced Scheduling features include Auto Adjust, Advert Scheduling, Track Dayparting, Daypart Separation and Hook Sequences.