
Edit Advert Window

Edit Advert Window

Advert audio

1. Advert audio
The audio cut to play for the advert. Choose from an existing track already added to PlayIt Live or choose a file from disk.


2. Duration
This is the duration of the advert track. This is expressed in whole seconds and is used by the advert schedule to ensure an advert block does not over duration. This field is automatically populated when you choose a track or audio file. This duration is usually best kept at a multiple of 5 (e.g. 5, 10, 15, 30 seconds) in order to help the scheduler fit adverts into whole minutes, such as 1 minute, 2 minutes.


3. Plays
The Plays section shows how many times the advert should be played on certain times of the day or week. By default, the advert tries to play in every hour where an advert block is scheduled. In the example above, the advert will only be scheduled during Breakfast (6am to 10am) and Drive (4pm to 7pm).
To change the number of plays for a day and hour, click the cell, type in the number of plays and press Enter.
-> ->
To change every day for a specific hour, click the column heading, type in the number of plays and press Enter.
-> ->
The same applies for changing every hour for a specific day. Click the row heading, type in the number of plays and press Enter.

Max plays

4. Max plays
This is the maximum number of times the advert will play during the campaign dates. Click the Calculate link to calculate the maximum based on the campaign duration and the selected plays above.

OK / Cancel

5. OK / Cancel
Click the OK button to save the changes. Click the Cancel button to discard the changes.