
Advert Campaigns

Advert Campaigns
An advert campaign represents an advert sales order, a request from a customer to play a set of adverts a specified number of times, during certain times of the day for a period of time. Advert campaigns in the same category will never be scheduled in the same block.

Licencing information

1. Licencing information
A reminder that Advert Scheduling is a premium module and requires the Advanced Scheduling Module. Click the See Licencing Information link to start a trial.

Advert campaign list

2. Advert campaign list
<TODO>: Insert description text here...

Add New/Edit buttons

3. Add New/Edit buttons
Click the Add New button to add a new campaign and the Edit button to edit the selected campaign. This launches the Edit Advert Campaign Window.


4. OK/Cancel/Apply
Click the OK button to confirm changes and close the window. Click the Cancel button to discard changes. Click the Apply button to confirm changes but keep the window open.