
Edit Playout Log Window (Scheduled)

Edit Playout Log Window (Scheduled)

Hour group

1. Hour group
Each playout log item belongs to an hour group.

Play time

2. Play time
Each playout log item has an approximate play time. Assuming previous hours do not over or under run this time should be accurate.

Hour position

3. Hour position
The position in the hour. The position can be changed by dragging the item up or down the list.

Item type

4. Item type
The type of the playout log item. The available options are:
Track: Choose a specific track to play.
Fixed Time Marker: Choose a fixed time marker to keep to time within the hour.
Break Note: Choose a break note to include in this position in the playout log.

Item settings

5. Item settings
The settings for the playout log item. Click the pencil icon to begin editing and launch the settings window. The settings windows used for the playout log item settings are similar to the clock item settings: Edit Track Settings Window, Edit Break Note Settings Window, or Edit Fixed Time Marker Settings Window.


6. Segue
Check the segue checkbox to ensure that, when playing the item, the player automatically advances to the next item when it reaches the out point.

Delete button

7. Delete button
Click the Delete button to remove the item from the playout log.