
Edit Fixed Time Marker Settings Window

Edit Fixed Time Marker Settings Window

Fixed time selection

1. Fixed time selection
Use the up and down arrows to select the fixed time for this marker. The fixed time indicates the number of minutes and seconds within current hour to fix the time. For example, within the 20:00 (8pm) hour, a fixed time marker of --:15:00 would fix the time around 20:15:00 (8:15pm).

Hard type selection

2. Hard type selection
Select this option to select a hard fixed time marker. A hard fixed marker will cause any playing items to immediately fade out and stop and advance to the next playout log item after the fixed time marker.

Soft type selection

3. Soft type selection
Select this option to select a soft fixed time marker. A soft fixed marker will cause any playing items to finish before advancing to the next playout log item after the fixed time marker.

'Not Before' type selection

4. 'Not Before' type selection
Select this option to select a 'not before' fixed time marker. A 'not before' fixed time marker ensure that items following this marker will not be played until at least the fixed time. Not Before fixed time makers are automatically inserted when a new hour is scheduled.

OK button

5. OK button
Click the OK button to confirm your changes.

Cancel button

6. Cancel button
Click the Cancel button to discard your changes.