  • General and Text File Configuration

General and Text File Configuration

General and Text File Configuration


1. Templates
Track Template:  This is where you format the track information using placeholders. You can use {{artist}} for the track artist's name and {{title}} for the track title. For example, if you want to display "Artist - Title" you would set the template to {{artist}} - {{title}}. See the full list of placeholders.
Default Template: This is the text that will be shown when no valid track information is available.

Text File Tab

2. Text File Tab
Save now playing track to a file: Check this box if you want to save the currently playing track information to a text file.
Now Playing file: Specify the path where you want the now playing track information to be saved. The current user must have write permissions to this location.
Template: Define the template for the text file here. The placeholder {{text}} is used to represent the actual track information formatted according to the Track Template or the Default Template fallback in addition to the standard placeholders.

Ignore specific track groups

3. Ignore specific track groups
Ignore specific track groups?: Check this option to specify which track groups should be ignored, meaning tracks in these groups will not be processed and will be treated like no track is playing.
Track Groups List: Select the track groups you want to ignore. In the screenshot, the "Idents" group is selected to be ignored.

Apply Changes button

4. Apply Changes button
Once you've set everything up, click this button to save and apply your changes. Changes will be effective when the next track plays.
An error message will be shown if there was a problem writing the now playing text to the now playing file.