Filtered Track Groups are used to filter tracks by specific properties of the track. In the example above, we can filter the tracks for ones that have an entered year of 2010.
Track Group Name
The name of the track group. This is shown in the dropdown box in PlayIt Live to filter by track group.
The filter query to be used to filter to the appropriate set of tracks.
In this example, Year is a field, = is an operation and 2010 is a value. Simple queries are made up of these three components. Queries can be combined with AND and OR logic to create more complex queries. For example:
(Year = 2010) AND (Artist = "The Killers")
would filter tracks by The Killers that were released in the year 2010. Text values with a space should be surrounded by double quotes (").
Fields that can be used are:
Artist - The artist of the track
Title - The title of the track
Path - The server file path of the track
Intro - The intro of the track in seconds
ActiveDuration - The active duration of the track in seconds. The active duration is the total duration of the track minus the cue in and out points. Note: ActiveDuration does not have a space.
Genre - The genre of the track
Year - The year of the track
The following operations can be used and the fields they can be used with: