
Editing Users

Editing Users

Display name

1. Display name
The real name of the user. This is displayed on PlayIt Live on the main interface to display who is currently logged in.


2. Username
The username used by the user to log in. This must be unique and cannot be used by any other user.


3. Password
The password used by the user to log in. The password must be at least 6 characters long. If editing a user, you can leave this blank to keep the existing password.
Tick the User must change password at next login box to require the user to change the password to something they can remember.
Note that passwords are cryptographically hashed and stored in the database. The actual password is not stored, therefore cannot be retrieved if forgotten. Please take care not to lock yourself out of the system.


4. Permissions
This section allows you to select what features the user is allowed to do. Ticking Is Admin? will allow the user to use any feature and perform any action. Where the user does not have permission to perform a particular action that section will be disabled or hidden on the user interface.

Remote Voice Tracking and Remote Studio Hours

5. Remote Voice Tracking and Remote Studio Hours
Select hours here to give this user access to remotely voice track into the playout log at these hours.

Playout Log Editing

6. Playout Log Editing
You can restrict the user when remote voice tracking by allowing them to either edit the full playout log for the hours they have access to, or only allow them to record voice tracks and adjust their segues. The default can be changed via the Voice Tracking Settings tab.


7. Disabled
Tick this box to disable the user, preventing them from logging in.


8. Operations
Click Save to save the changes. Click Cancel to discard the changes. Click Delete the delete the user.