


Toggle QuickCarts

1. Toggle QuickCarts
For Docked to Bottom: this shows or hides QuickCarts below the players on the main window.
For Separate Window (Cart Wall): this shows or hides the QuickCarts window which can be displayed on a separate monitor.

Number of QuickCart rows selection

2. Number of QuickCart rows selection
Changes the number of QuickCart rows that are displayed.

Number of QuickCarts per row selection

3. Number of QuickCarts per row selection
Changes the number of QuickCarts that are displayed per row. As more QuickCarts are displayed per row they will be resized to fit the available space on the screen.

QuickCart audio device

4. QuickCart audio device
Each QuickCart section can be assigned to a particular audio device (typically a sound card) on your computer.

Separate window (Cart Wall) section

5. Separate window (Cart Wall) section
Settings can be configured for QuickCarts on a separate window. The settings in this section mirror the Docked to Bottom section above.

Duck other players

6. Duck other players
When selected and a QuickCart is played, other main players will be ducked by the specified amount and speed.

Enable right click eject in Playback mode

7. Enable right click eject in Playback mode
Prior to PlayIt Live version 1.08, it was possible to eject QuickCart players while in Playback mode. Feedback from users has indicated that it was too easy to accidentally eject players.
When this setting is selected, QuickCart players will eject when right-clicked in Playback or Edit mode. When this setting is not selected, QuickCart players will eject only when in Edit mode.