
Group Section

Group Section
The final section of the wizard is the Group section. Here you can add the processed tracks to an existing group, a new group or leave them in the All Tracks group. Click Finish to add the tracks to the system.

Leave in All Tracks group selection

1. Leave in All Tracks group selection
Select this option to prevent the processed tracks from being added to a particular track group. By default, they will appear in the All Tracks group.

Add to existing group selection

2. Add to existing group selection
Select this option to add the processed tracks to an existing track group. Select the track group from the dropdown.

Add to new group selection

3. Add to new group selection
Select this option to add the processed tracks to a new track group. Enter the name of the new group into the text box.

Finish button

4. Finish button
Click the Finish button to complete the track adding process and add the tracks to the system.