
Edit Advert Block Settings Window

Edit Advert Block Settings Window
An advert block represents a block of adverts to be played together. The advert tracks that are actually played are determined by the corresponding advert block 'start time' for the scheduled hour in the advert log.

Start Time

1. Start Time
The start time is used to indicate the approximate air time of the advert block within the hour. It is used to match up with the corresponding advert block in the advert log. Note that this does not mean the advert block will play at exactly, e.g. 08:00, past the hour. If you wish to do this, place a fixed time marker before the advert block.

Max Duration

2. Max Duration
This is the maximum duration of the advert block. When the advert log is scheduled, the corresponding advert block will be no longer than this duration.

Max Advert Slots

3. Max Advert Slots
This is the maximum number of adverts that will play in this block. When the advert log is scheduled, there will no more than this number of adverts in the advert block.
For more information, see Advert Scheduling.