
Edit Playout Policy Window

Edit Playout Policy Window

Track separation time

1. Track separation time
Use the up and down arrows to change the minimum number of hours/minutes that should pass before a track is played again. Use the dropdown to change the time unit from hours to minutes.

Artist separation time

2. Artist separation time
Use the up and down arrows to change the minimum number of hours/minutes that should pass before an artist is played again. Use the dropdown to change the time unit from hours to minutes.

Specific groups filter

3. Specific groups filter
Check the checkbox to ensure this playout policy is only applied to the selected tracks. Leave the checkbox unchecked to apply the policy to all tracks.

Playout policy name

4. Playout policy name
The name of the playout policy.

OK button

5. OK button
Click the OK button to confirm changes to the playout policy.

Cancel button

6. Cancel button
Click the Cancel button to discard changes.