
Keyboard Settings

Keyboard Settings
The keyboard settings section allows you to bind PlayIt Cartwall actions (commands) to keyboard shortcuts. Select an item in the list to edit the binding.

Keyboard binding list

1. Keyboard binding list
This list shows the possible commands to which you can bind a keyboard shortcut. Select a command in the list to edit the keyboard binding.

Edit keyboard binding section

2. Edit keyboard binding section
Once you have selected a binding from the list, it is possible to edit the binding from this selection. When no key is currently bound the text '<key>' will be shown beside the check boxes.
In the screenshot shown the keyboard shortcut CTRL+Right is bound to move to the next QuickCart page.
To set up this binding from scratch, select CTRL and click the '<key>' text box. You will be prompted to press a key, press the Right arrow on your keyboard. This keyboard shortcut is now configured. To clear the binding, click the Clear button.

Global trigger selection

3. Global trigger selection
Select this checkbox to trigger keyboard commands even when PlayIt Cartwall is not selected.