  • Configuration


Once installed, the plugin can be configured via Plugins > Plugin Manager. Right click the Now Playing plugin in the list and select Configure...

Now Playing file

1. Now Playing file
The path and filename of the file to write to. Use the Browse... button to locate the file using the file selection window. Ensure you select a location that your logged in user has permission to write to without Administrator privileges.


2. Template
This is the template of the track artist and title to write to the file. Use {{artist}} for the artist and {{title}} for the title. Use {{html-artist}} and {{html-title}} for HTML encoded versions of the text - these can be used if the text is intended to be included in an HTML page.

Ignore specific track groups

3. Ignore specific track groups
Check this check box to ignore specific track groups. Check the track groups in the list you want to prevent writing to the now playing file. Use this to prevent jingles, promos, commercial plays, etc. from appearing in the now playing file.

Clear File button

4. Clear File button
Use this button to clear and reset the contents of the Now Playing file.

Apply Changes button

5. Apply Changes button
Use this button to apply all the changes you have made.
An error message will be shown if there was a problem writing the now playing text to the now playing file.